Post-Holiday Blues

I just love the holiday season. Even though I don’t have any family in Arizona, I have a nice circle of friends that have become my family in the west. I often host holiday gatherings like Thanksgiving and Christmas, and it is good food (well usually pretty good, I’m not a great cook), lots of laughter, and memories being made. I do find that I typically feel a bit blue after all the decorations come down, the gathering temporarily cease, and we enter back into the day-to-day realities of life.

I know that I’m fortunate to have these celebrations in the first place and consider that many people experience anxiety and sadness during the holiday season in general. Whether it’s during or after, there are steps we can take to alleviate the heaviness and bring brightness back into our lives.

Exercise is simply the best medicine for almost anything that ails you. It doesn’t matter the type, or the length of time, it’s just about getting your body in motion. There are plenty of low impact exercises you can do, simply walking and maybe even some dancing! Exercise improves the body, the mind, and the spirit. You should always consult with your doctor prior to beginning any type of physical activity.

Having something to look forward to is always a way to combat holiday and post-holiday blues. It doesn’t have to be extravagant, a lunch date with a friend or relative, touring an art museum, even an afternoon of shopping for some of those post-holiday sales. Marking that calendar gives you something to look forward to.

Another way to engage in some positive activity is to Volunteer. If you are still able to give back, recall a passion from the past, could be gardening, reading, caring for animals, and so on. Look up local volunteer opportunities and find one that would give you purpose and bring you joy. It’s amazing how helping others makes us feel so good.

Anxiety and depression tend to creep in when we are idle. If you have down time, consider Learning something new. Have you wanted to take up a craft, practice a new language, how long has it been since you played with a yo-yo? You literally can’t stop a smile from appearing on your face while you are getting tangled up in a yo-yo!

Whatever you decide, taking a proactive approach to combat any sadness that may try to take hold of you this holiday and post-holiday season is critical. Planning will make all the difference. For some information on understanding the difference between temporary symptoms of sadness and a more serious condition and additional tips visit

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